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Engineering Year in Review 2018

Adam Mills

Jun 16, 2020
min read

Here's what happened when we took over the reigns to build out the MVP into a mature product

Team update: A lot has happened since this blog - all great things! We’re now in the United States and our new product launched in November 2021, helping teams in fast-growing organizations find and hire their best-fit junior and mid-level talent in Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Customer Success. Try it here for free. This means some of our articles before this date may have product shots that look a little different. That’s all from us, enjoy the blog.

It was the first year at Hatch for the entire engineering team as we took over the reigns to build out the MVP into a mature product. We've merged the 2018 pull-request and have already started work on the feature/2019 branch. Here are some highlights and struggles from our 2018 retro.

2018 Highlights

  • Launched the Hatch API
  • Migrated the Company User side of the product to React
  • Converted the front-end projects from Flow to Typescript
  • Added lights to all the hardware ;)
  • Laid a solid foundation for the Hatch Engineering Culture

2019 Focus

Code Quality

At the beginning of 2018 we pushed a little hard on shipping product which led to some quality issues both in the code and for the customer. A team focus for 2019 is ensuring we are leaving the code better than we found it and improving the effectiveness of our code reviews.

Product Engineering

At Hatch we have an amazing cross-functional team that focuses on user-centred design. All engineers at Hatch are Product Engineers and in 2019 we want to get better at that.  

Specifically we want to

  • improve the communication with design, partly by focusing on our design language
  • increase our interaction with our customers
  • improve how we break down and understand the complexity in our epics

2019 is going to be a big year for Hatch, if you're interested in joining us have a look here!

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