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Prioritise the best shortlisted candidates for your role

Sean Batchelor

Apr 8, 2021
min read

Shortlist your shortlist. Introducing ‘New matches’ and ‘Candidate ratings’.

Team update: A lot has happened since this blog - all great things! We’re now in the United States and our new product launched in November 2021, helping teams in fast-growing organizations find and hire their best-fit junior and mid-level talent in Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Customer Success. Try it here for free. This means some of our articles before this date may have product shots that look a little different. That’s all from us, enjoy the blog.

Earlier this year we changed the way we shortlist candidates, so you see them as soon as they’re assessed, rather than a single complete list.

We’ve heard great feedback about the new process, but we also heard about some new challenges:

  • It can be difficult to know which candidates are new to the shortlist and to compare them to the best candidates you’ve already reviewed.
  • Candidates who aren’t the right fit crowd the shortlist after you’ve reviewed them.
  • Giving us your feedback on candidates via emails and phone calls so that we can update our shortlisting criteria is time-consuming.
  • Keeping a record of what you think about candidates is difficult to keep track of in notebooks and spreadsheets. 

With these issues in mind, we’ve introduced several new features to record what you and your team think about candidates to prioritise the best. We’ll also consider your feedback before we send new candidates, so you only see people who are the most likely to be a great fit.

New matches

When we shortlist new candidates, we’ll notify you by email and they’ll appear in your New matches.

Hatch shortlist new matches

Record what you think

After reviewing a candidate’s profile, record if you think they’re a good fit, a poor fit, or if you’re not sure.

Record candidate rating on Hatch shortlist

Leave a reason in a few clicks

Choose from a range of pre-defined reasons for your decision, or write your own.

Record a reason for your candidate rating

See what others thinks

Any user can update the candidate’s rating and a simple timeline will record all updates on the candidate’s profile.

See other colleagues candidate ratings

Prioritise your shortlist

When you’ve rated candidates, they’re organised into categories so you can stay focused on the best-fit candidates.

Prioritise your top candidates

The new shortlist is live now. If you want to save time finding the best applicants for your junior roles, reach out to our customer success team.

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